Do Oral Surgery Procedures Require Sedation?

Oral surgery is an invasive and time-consuming procedure, so it's understandable that you may need to sleep during the dental procedure. To ensure your comfort and prevent pain, your specialist will give you general anesthesia, which will make you unconscious and unable to remember anything after the surgery. The oral medication method generally requires patients to take anti-anxiety pills, such as Valium, Halcion, or Ativan, to achieve conscious sedation. This method is often more effective at sedating patients than nitrous oxide and is also not expensive to administer.

Patients usually take the medication about an hour before the procedure. Sedation is commonly referred to as monitored anesthetic care. Your dentist may recommend sedation if the procedure requires an additional agent to make you feel more comfortable, in addition to local anesthesia. It will help you feel more comfortable and relaxed during oral surgery.

Often, an oral surgeon will choose to use nitrous oxide sedation along with local anesthesia to make the patient feel more comfortable. Nitrous oxide, which is more commonly known as laughing gas, is administered through a mask that covers both the patient's nose and mouth. As with local anesthesia, you will remain fully conscious, but relaxed, as nitrous oxide has a sedative and analgesic effect. Jandali and Hur use this combination of anesthesia for simple or more complicated procedures, such as removing wisdom teeth or placing dental implants.

The most common types of dental sedation include nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and intravenous (IV) sedation. If the thought of going to the dentist is scary or anxious, dentistry with sedation can help you get the care you need for long-term oral health. Jandali and Hur practice the full range of oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures using a full range of anesthetic techniques. By checking this box, you agree to exempt Oral and Facial Surgery of Naperville, including its doctors and affiliates, from any hacking or unauthorized use of your personal information by third parties.

With oral conscious sedation, the dentist gives you a sedative medication (usually in pill form) about an hour before the procedure begins. Undergoing oral surgery can be scary or overwhelming, especially if you're young or if you've never had a surgical procedure before. Most patients choose general anesthesia if wisdom teeth are removed, dental implants placed, or undergo oral or maxillofacial reconstruction. But it's also used along with stronger forms of anesthesia for more invasive or complicated surgeries.

If you have any questions about the type of anesthesia that will be administered during your oral surgery procedure, do not hesitate to discuss your concerns with your doctor at the time of your consultation. It's generally recommended for more complex oral surgery procedures, such as wisdom tooth extractions or other difficult extractions, or if you have significant dental phobia or are very anxious. In addition, many complex surgeries performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons require the patient to receive deep sedation or general anesthesia. While general dentists can provide comfort to Naperville patients by using a local anesthetic or nitrous oxide, oral surgeons must complete at least 3 months of anesthesia training in the hospital to be able to administer general anesthesia in the office for more complex surgical procedures.

Mónica Dahlheimer
Mónica Dahlheimer

Typical bacon trailblazer. Professional twitter specialist. Devoted music fan. Certified bacon trailblazer. Wannabe sushi specialist.

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